Go Beyond the Weekend.

  • Nurturing Your Newborn

    Becoming a mom for the first or second time, and beyond can create uncertainties and challenges as you adjust to your new rhythms. Nurturing Your Newborn is designed to provide community and support for moms as they build relationships and learn together.

  • River Tots

    Designed for children ages: 1- 3 years old, River Tots is a Mommy & Me program that is designed as a way for moms to have fun alongside their kids as they work on fun and engaging activities and crafts. The River Tots program is the perfect way for your kids to learn all about the love of God.

  • SRC Kids Club

    Wednesday nights are for the Kids! SRC Kids Club is a jam-packed night of fun activities, relationship building, life skills development, and Bible teaching. Help your kids break their boredom with hands-on Bible activities and learning more about their loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Parent Resources

We want to walk alongside you throughout your child’s faith journey, and we’re dedicated to providing you with incredible tools and resources to accompany you on the adventure.

In addition, we understand that life can get busy, and sometimes things pop up in our schedules. Within our Parent Resources, your child can watch each of our Sunday morning lessons on-demand.

  • Power of Positive Parenting

    This class is for parents, grandparents, and caretakers. The program does not tell you how to be a parent but rather gives you a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need… you choose the way you want to use them!

  • Married with Kids

    When 1+1 = 3. In this Zoom forum, parents are invited to share their stories as couples who are adapting to this new season. Explore new ways to partner with each other and keep the relationship vibrant.

  • Circle of Security

    The COS Parenting Program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. This is an 8-week class for parents.